Thursday, 24 July 2008


Today, i've completed my induction course for 2 weeks..and end up with examination..ISKH! Pecah otak jugak nak jawab soalan JPA nie..I've tried my best..Hope i'll pass the exam..
buat malu jer kalau tak least, i can sleep well now without need to memorize all the "Akta Kewangan, Wawasan 2020, Dasar Pembangunan Nasional, Arahan perbendaharaan...Adoi..susah juga keje gomen nie weh..
Whatever it is.. i'm so happy now..
Here's a little song
Don't worry, be happy.
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy now.
Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Bobby McFerrin - 1988


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, be happy yer
Betoi tuh..jgn pikir lg dah..tgu je result..hehe (mcm slu ckp kat student tu)

ainmuttaqin said...

tu ler..wat pe nak pening kan kepala dok risau..result lg 2,3 bln bru mari le bergumbira dlu..

Josh said...

Nak celebrate kat maner? Ain nak belanja ke?? hehehehe

ainmuttaqin said...

tu ler tadi xnak join lunch..ain n k.lin makan kt village view k.lin tulis kt blog dia..jgn jeles..

Najib Ariyan Ali Basha said...

hahahaha... karang dah pecah kepala jawab soalan soalan, pecah poket pulak nak belanja... takper.. errr soalan tu ada pass tak pass ker? kalau tak pass jadi apa yer??

ainmuttaqin said...

abg bear- biasa la josh tu suka betol gie makan2 dgn ain nie..lain kali ajak abg bear skali nak?soklan tu kalu pass-sah jwtn..kalu xpass kne repeat la kot..ala jgn ler tak pass wt malu dgn student jer..hehehe..