Satay or sate is a dish consisting of chunks or slices of dice-sized meat (chicken, mutton, beef, fish, etc.) on bamboo skewers. These are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire.
It may be served with a spicy peanut sauce dip, or peanut gravy, slivers of onions and cucumbers, and ketupat (rice cakes).
In Malaysia, satay is a popular dish - especially during celebrations - and can be found throughout the country.
The famously known satay outlets are in Kajang, Selangor which dubbed as the Sate City in the country. Sate Haji Samuri is very popular in Kajang as well as throughout Malaysia. Many branches of Sate Kajang Haji Samuri are opening nowadays offering chicken sate, beef sate, deer sate, rabbit sate, fish sate and etc.
Lepas durian, satay lak..
saja la Ain ni tau!
nasib baik buka blog kak ain mase kenyang..kalo tak, leleh gak ni..
ngah muak makan cheese tgh hari n ptg :D
Josh? Josh yg mana nih? Dr Josh ker?? Yg kceik comel yg dok kajang tu?? Josh yg tu ker?? lahai makan sate lagi dia.. dah baik ker sakit nya tu??
Alamak... abg bear cari Josh sampai sini... hahahaha... Masa Josh makan tu x sakit lagi.
Ain-ain nih... masa kita gi makan ler dia ngada-ngada x free, lepas k. lin balik dia pulak makan sakan..... aiyo... camner nih. Jom gi gym kat TLS... hehehe saja ajak.
puan a- sabor2..teman saje jer nak bg kome telan ayor lior..hehehe..
suw- apa kelas mkn cheese..kih..kih...kih.(gelak jahat)
puan a- sabor2..teman saje jer nak bg kome telan ayor lior..hehehe..
suw- apa kelas mkn cheese..kih..kih...kih.(gelak jahat)
abg honey bear-thanx for visiting my blog..josh tu Dr josh la.dia ex-officemate saya and ex-driver saya dlu..cume tak ex-boyfriend je..hahaha
josh- saya bkn sengaja..tu kene tnya hubby saya yg asik dok busy jer..geram sgt xdpt join u bls dendam la nie paksa dia bwa saya pi mkn jugak..TLS??ala busy la..makan2?ok2 free jer..hehehe
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