This is our Hop in and Hop off Bus Tour of London..Just pay 22 pound per person and it will takes you around the infamous places in London. It has about 40 stop that you could hop in and hop off..very convenient hah??

Naik bas takde bumbung..even takde bumbung but tak panas..Malaysia dah nak buat kan??sejuk ke panas??

In front of Buckingham Palace...

With London's police woman..

Ceremony of Changing the Guards at the Buckingham Palace

They're heading to the palace. cepat-cepat kena ikut nie..

Garden near the palace..cantik kan

Buckingham Palace- Queen Elizabeth II official house

Ceremony in the castle yard..The guards playing with the musical instruments..Song of Beethoven, Mozart and some modern songs (sorry tak ingat lagu apa). Sorry gambar tak clear sebab jauh sangat dari pagar. kesian orang-orang yang rendah kan..so main snap jelah..cameraman pulak "tinggi" sangat kan..
And wait for the next entry..ada lagi nie nak bagi orang jeles and kena lawan pn Tod nie...hehehe...
hehe..sampai part baper ni?
suw- sampai part 4 kot..byk lagi nak citer nie..hahaha..
seronok tgh tmpt org kan?
hujan emas di negeri org, hujan batu negeri sendiri.. hehe
Puan A- pi tempat org memang seronok..but at the end of the day nak juga balik rumah sendiri walaupun rumah sendiri xde emas..but home sweet home kan...
tak jeles, saya tak jeles. Saya ulang lagi, tak jeles, saya tak jeles.
..home sweet home home..tu yg xsbr2 nk blik nihh..waaaaa
josh-bagus2 tak payah nak jeles2 pun..kan..
puan tod-sabor2..lg 2weeks jer..lps pn tod balik saya lak pi 3 months..lagi waaaaaaaa
sungguh2 josh kata xjeles...dlm maksudnyer tuh..;-)
betoi tu ain,wpon hjn batu tp suka kat umah jugak! slmt dok 3bln lg di uk..cayok2. nk abiskan 1bln tanpa fmly pon susah,mcmn la 3bln? moga tabah yer..
puan a- tu ler kita tengok sejauh mana ketidakjelesan josh tu..heheh..kesian saya kne korbankan posa and raya di uk, alone pulak tu..kalu tak dpt anugerah pekerja cemerlang tahun nie mmg la..hahaha..
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