Part III- London Hopping in City Cruise...Tour in the cruise was included in the package of London Tour Bus..so you just pay 22 pound and you can get into the cruise for free instead of paying 24pound for the cruise only..so let's get the package..promo..promo..

Here i am, in the cruise...menyusuri sungai Thames yang terkenal...that's are my dream..meaning that dream's come true la nie ye...

The British Army Ship pun boleh lalu kat Thames River...ishk..ishk..

LONDON BRIDGE FALLING DOWN...remember this song???..but the bridge still there...tapi tak de pun falling down???

Tower Castle..kat sini la dorang kurung pemberontak and pancung kepala....ngeri..

Cantik kan...

Lepas jalan-jalan kena makan...nie fish and chips..nie aje yang boleh makan kat sini...yang lain tu non-halal...

Penghibur jalanan..bagus kan..takde la minta sedekah...


500 years old, WELMINSTER ABBEY..Church for Royal wedding and royal funeral (Lady Diana)

Parliament House, Thames River

Cantik kan belakang tu...macam dalam tv..dah sampai dah rupanya..best-best..
Next post- coming soon...
Waa.... memang cantik ler Big Ben tu... and the street performer memang menarik!
cntiknyer.. ;p
Josh- cantik kan...and ada mcm2 lagi gaya street performer tu..tp kalu nak amik gambar kene derma dulu..
Suw- banyak lagi yang cantik2 tapi xbole nak tunjuk kt sni..nati saya buat slide show ok..
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