Our next activity was to enjoy London beautiful scene from LONDON EYE

In order to board in the London Eye, we need to Q for about half an hour...Sabar sabar...kejap lagi kita naik ye...

Taaraa....the Parliament House scenario from London Eye...Hakim was really excited to try his new binacular...

London Eye..Here I am....

Budak kecik nie la yang paling berani dalam flight London Eye nie...

Happy family....hehehehe...LONDON EYE- Here we are....

Hakim, teropong sapa tu???

My hubby...control macho or control gayat???
Waa... tak habis-habis lagi rupanye entry pasal London trip nih.
Rasanyer Sableh tengah tahan gayat kot. Tak senyum pon. ;-P
Josh- hehehe...xabes lagi nie..blom masuk 2nd day lagi nie..sabar2 yer..ke dia tengah tahan kentut??hahaha
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