In this London trip, we're looking for malaysian style foods in London..yeah after 3 months in England now we're really missed roti canai and nasi lemak..Luckily we found this..
Jom makan- The Malaysian foods restaurant in London...

Waiting for the foods....starving and wondering how's the foods taste like..

Water melon +carrot juice and Manggo juice, sorry can't remember the price

Mee goreng mamak, GBP 7.90

Nasi lemak, GBP 8.50

Nasi kerabu with ayam percik, GBP 10.90

Roti canai, GBP 7.00

Teh tarik, GBP 3.20

It's really nice to have our own malaysian restaurant in England..really proud..and the foods taste quite original..but if you really want to enjoy the foods here, please do not convert the price ok...we spend about GBP 50 (plus tips) for our lunch at this restaurant.. Jom makan...
wahhh..roti canai pon adaaa..
tp mahalnyer?
heee, update kol2 pg? tak tido ker?
haah...sedap tapi xler cm roti canai kt khalifah..biase ler mana ada yg murah kt uk..haah xtido..niatnyer nk study for induction exam..tp boring2 wt blog lak..hehehe..
salam ziarah..
pehhh sedapp sehhhh...
mrs.sheikh- thanks for visiting my blog..dah singgah yours..
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