Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Daytrip to Chatsworth, UK

On 17 May 2008, me and my family with a friend visited the Chatsworth House, located in Derbyshire, Peak District, UK. It was a very big and beautiful English Manor, owned by Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.

A bit on the history: The first house at Chatsworth was built by 'Bess of Hardwick' (c. 1527-1608) and her second husband Sir William Cavendish (1505-57).

Infront of my house..oppss..Chatsworth House

Dare to have dinner with us??

Purple Tulips..Wah!

Waterfalls Chartsworth House

To date, the running of Chatsworth was taken over by the Chatsworth House Trust. This is a charitable foundation set up by the 11th Duke to help ensure for the public benefit the preservation of the house, its essential contents, the garden and the park.

Our dream house..hehehe..

Infront of the castle at 140 acres garden..See how big is the Manor!!


Anonymous said...

Wow.. sejak bila lak pandai buat blog ini. Anyway it's a nice blog.
Sorry, long time no see.
Bila nak balik M'sia? Jangan lupa bawa ole-ole ye.

Unknown said...

cntiknyer tulip itu

ainmuttaqin said...

To Anon- thanx.,,baru nak blajar2..hehehe..ole-ole?no prob, dtg ler umah nti..

To Suw-tulip tu ada color putih and merah jugak..tp dpt amik yg purple je..cantik kn..

Josh said...

Cantik lah rumah Ain. nak bercuti kat situ 7 hari, semua perbelanjaan Ain tanggung boleh?? hahaha

ainmuttaqin said...

To Josh- ler..7hr 7mlm je ke? ain dh reserved utk josh 70hr 70mlm..hahaha

Josh said...

fuyoo... mau Josh kena buang kerja cuti lama tu.