24 May 2008, Manchester was our next destination.Actually this trip was inspired by my hubby, since he's really eager to visit the Old Trafford Stadium..
Sesapa yang minat sgt dgn Man Utd tu, jgn jealous tau sbb kami dah sampai kat stadium tu...hehehe..
We stopped for a while (actually for shopping and photograph taken) at the Manchester Arndale before continue the journey to Old Trafford by Tram..
It was a very long journey for me (jalan kaki tau!) from the Tram station to the stadium...aiyo! habis lemak ku terbakar..anyway, we reached the stadium after 30 min walking..just imagine, ain can walk that long..it was another new record for me actually..the first one was jungle tracking- Perhentian Island (Josh, jgn gelak ye) hehehe..
Shopping sakan!!! hehehe..Megastore of Man Utd that's our real destination..my hubby bought some T-shirts, Caps, key chains, mugs and ntah apa-apa lagi ler kat situ..
And he said, he's not really fancy about MU..yeah right!!...anyway, let's photo do the talking...jangan marah ye suami ku..
The best part, before balik we went for makan-makan in Thai Restaurant at China Town in Manchester city..Thanks Mr Ghani for belanja seabass and etc..Sorry guys, gambar takde sebab busy sgt menghabiskan seabass tu sampai lupa amik gambar..almaklumla lama tak makan makanan ala-ala tom yam..
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