Today is 2nd of June..and this project should be end by 30 June..but..i don't think i can finish by the much work given,so many things need to learn and discover..OMG i'm the guinea pig since this kesum is their new and latest interest!and a lot of pressure come from both side..sometimes i want to cry..
Current issue,sheffield want me to stay for another 2 months, but UKM still look at the budget..and Mike gave me more work that i think need at least a year to complete it..even when i asked him "based on his experience, how long it will takes to complete this?", he said CLUELESS!!!
Aiyo..mati la aku stuck kat sini forever..and my hubby dah merengek nak balik Malaysia, since his bussiness a bit slow now..nak nangis..huhuhu...
Current issue,sheffield want me to stay for another 2 months, but UKM still look at the budget..and Mike gave me more work that i think need at least a year to complete it..even when i asked him "based on his experience, how long it will takes to complete this?", he said CLUELESS!!!
Aiyo..mati la aku stuck kat sini forever..and my hubby dah merengek nak balik Malaysia, since his bussiness a bit slow now..nak nangis..huhuhu...
wah! cantiknye blog. Sabar ye.. Doa bebanyak. Yang penting ilmu metabolite (ape-ape je la), berjaya diperolehi. Apa yang kita sanggup korbankan untuk berjaya? Masa, tenaga, wang ringgit, keluarga atau diri sendiri. Kejayaan adalah satu benda yang perlukan pengorbanan. Namun hasilnya tetap lumayan. Eh..macam ceramah lak.. Good Luck From Your Hubby.
hehe..sambung post-doc terusla..ckpkan setahun ;p
Awat pokok kesum tu sedih je tengok...mcm hidup segan mati tak mau....ape2 pun GOOD LUCK!!!!Heeeee bilalah nak ke sana plak ye...
To suw- post doc???kalu ada sponsor bole ler..
To anon- hehehe..pokok tu trkejut sbb dr tmpt panas tiba2 pi tmpt sejuk..mogok ler tu..anyway tu gmbor lama..nati saya post yg trlatest..
Hm.... pokok tu macam hidup segan mati tak mau je.. kesian..
Tabah Ain, u had gone through lot's of hurdles, this is nothing to u, kan?
To josh- dia malu2 masa ambil gambor tu..tertunduk malu..hehehe..thanx..what ever it is, i'll be the ultimate survivor..iron lady..hehehe..
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