Sorry guys for not updating my blog frequently...Really busy at work since i've got a few months left...And Kesum work is still in progress...
This is my beloved Metabolomics machine..LCT-ES-MS-TOF..
Function: To profile the metabolites of an organism without any bias...

Ta...da...the data analysis of my Kesum sample using SIMCA-P...This is an example of good result!!!Yeah!!
And this is Gas Liquid Chromatography to analyse my targeted compounds...I've done the carbohydrate-successful...and I've tried to run standard of organic acids- not successfull yet!!! huhuhuhu... Problem with the derivatization maybe...anyone have any brilliant idea???Please email to me..
Ta..da......young shoots dah berlumba-lumba nak keluar...ini adalah kelahiran anak pokok kesum pertama yang ditanam di Sheffield- mimic conditions at Annex...
Ewah...dah macam progress report la pulak...Wah..alamak terlebih sudah!!! kepada kengkawan yang mendoakan saya dan kesum saya tu- thanks a lot...perjuangan tetap diteruskan walaupun perbagai rintangan mendatang...Perjuangan yang belum selesai..akan ku teruskan jua...Redah jer!!!!
tak faham lah apa yg Ain tunjuk tu.. Tapi takpe, yang penting tau Ain dah dapat positive results. Way to go!
Josh-hehe..thanks alot..but still long way to go..mana laksam saya??
Laksam tu dah saya hantar kat TLS. Ain X check letter box ke?
Josh-dapat2..tapi dah basi la..hahaha
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