A workshop of Metabolites Profiling was held at my institute last month. I've conducted the workshop with a help from expertise from University of Sheffield. Paul, Mike and Rob shared their knowledge, experience and skills with 20 of participants from different research institutes with varies of research backgrounds.

Lecture session...For me i'm really glad to arrange the workshop to help people understand what is metabolomics is all about. This field is still new in Malaysia. That's why i've been sent away last year...

Lab session... Extraction of samples..

Rob really excited to share his skills...thanks Rob..

Paul as usual- supervised...

Mike explained about LC-MS-TOF, how its work..and how you could get headache or high blood pressure to interprete the data later on..

Bioinfomatics Lab Session...Data analysis and interpretation...

That's really a good data...But how to analyze it?? Welcome to the club!!!

" I hope i have more time to explore Malaysia rather than to be stucked here for more than 3 days and answering all kind of stupid questions..." Hihi..Sorry Mike, just kidding...
Second part- see how these Britons enjoyed our Malaysian food..hihi
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