Last week one of my former supervisory committee had been promoted as Professor at one of the prestigous research university in Malaysia. He just 37 years old..erm..very young for that title,right? actually he received his associate professorship 5 years ago. impresive, right?
Maybe you will think this guy- nerd, doing research as a mad scientist, bookworms, antisocial and etc...but i think you'll be surprise when you met him..
He is the maniac fan of AF(academic fantasia at Astro), love gardening, cooking, love to talk non stop..just to name a few of his characters..
Inspired with his outstanding achievements, i'd email to him and asked for the tips...here, i would like to share with all my friends especially academicians, scientists, researchers as well as my postgraduate students..
email from Prof. Basyar,
1. Tuntut ilmu... mudah je jangan kawin dulu heheheheh...
2. Selain dari determination, you must always become a risk taker... do
something new and the challenges will keep your determination...
3. other than that, mula dan jadikan solat dhuha sebagai solat wajib yang baru
setiap hari... solat pembuka segala rezeki...
4. dan baca surah Yaasin tiap minggu... itu je, lain lagi tu berserah...
5. whoppsss lupa lak... to be good you make sure you read NEW PAPERS, at
least 2 papers per week...
happy trying!!!
- Basyar
my comment:
Tips number 1 - Oppss!!no comment!
Tips number 2- i think i've done that
Tips number 3- jarang-jarang buat..ok..should start from today..
Tips number 4-this one buat,insyaallah istiqamah...
Tips number 5- omg!i wish i should have more time to do this..ok..ok..no excuse please!it is a MUST..ok!
baguih jgk tips dia..
ble follow ni :P
Puan A- Haah! bagus kan..simple jek but still rasa mcm susah nk buat..
Suw- Jom2 ikot..bole le jadi prof before 40 kan..amin..
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