Really busy at the moment... Stress...stress.. and many stress... Extractions and data analysis...Statiscal analysis and metabolomics pathway, all come in the package...Headache!!!
Too high expectation, i guess...What ever it is, I'm doing my very best to get things done in time... 4 weeks to go before Christmas.. University will be closed from 24th Dec to 5th Jan...and i should fly home that time, bring along my successful story (if any)... otherwise....ermm..do not want to think about it, for now at least..
Need to have some rest too..or i'll get myself walking to the hospital, once again...
Should think something nice to do to spend my weekend, ermmm...shopping??? perharps....

Shop until you drop! that's the best stress therapy.
Josh- kalau shoping ada duit best la..kalau takde duit macamana? lagi teruk kena stress...hahah
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