Saturday, 8th of November 2008, the graduation day of my daughter...I'm so upset coz i was not there to see her wearing her Graduation robe and received the certificate from her teacher. As my hubby told me, Nasuha was so excited and always keep mentioned that she's wearing a robe and graduated just like Ummi. Aha! She still can remember my graduation day 2 years ago, i guess..

I'm really proud of her...How pretty she is in that robe...

Her cheerful face...Missed you dear...

And my boy received his award too...He was awarded as Best student in his class...So proud of him...My clever boy..

Hakim and his award...He just 4 years old...Love you so much..
I'm so grateful and thanks to Allah for His blessed and the gifts, my precious Nasuha and Hakim.. Both of you are my joy and pride!!!
Comel...pandai macam ummi diorg
Si Hakim yang hyper active and sentiasa melompat-lompat tu BAAIKKKK je kat depan cikgu dia. hehhehehe
Congrats to Nasuha and Hakim! and to their parents, WELL DONE!
puan a- thanks...alamak jgn puji lebih2..syukur sgt..doa moga jd anak soleh n solehah berjaya dunia akhirat..amin..
Josh- thanks..haah..mmg hyperactive..saya risau kadang2 sbb xnak baca buku asik main jer..tp tu ler xsangka boleh dpt highest marks in his class..don't judge the book by its cover kan..cikgu dia mmg suka dgn dia kat sekolah sbb baik..hihihi
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