I would like to share with you some positive charges around me at the moment.... First, Me as Head of Quality Management at my institute...This new task come in a package- new allowance and new office and new heavy burden...ISO and MQA maa...That's the reason busy semacam...sampai kureng masa nak update blog..alasan nie untuk Josh..jgn bebel kat saya tau..

my new office...hehehehh..

Ok la kan....
E'eh, macam pernah masuk bilik nih lah... kat maner ye??
ehem..ehem..buat2 lupa la yek..kalu lupa kena la dtg lagi..bru ingat..
wah...dah jadi bos besor jgk nih
congrats...bila g uk?
puan a- xtau lg..dok hanging kt kpt..pening dh..org kt uk dh bising suh balik sana..poning2
wah wah...
hebat kak ain!! Congratulations there!
miss j- hihihi..thanks..
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