Sarawak- one and only state in Malaysia that i've never visit. Since my Hubby has a bussiness trip in Kuching, so i tooks this opportunity to join him to travel to Kuching by Airasia..

View from Airasia flight..So beautiful..

We having breakfast..1901 hotdog

So small..but ok la for breakfast..

My hubby- nasi lemak pak nasser..Ok la kot coz within 5 minutes the only things left was the empty plate..lapar nye dia..

We arrived at 11 on Saturday morning. As usual, my hubby never planned his trip..so we not doing any hotel booking before arrived...So we just tried our luck..Luckly, Tuan Haji Azrul (my hubby downline) pick us up at the airport and send us to this Hotel.. this is a new hotel in Kuching..Hilton, Holiday Inn were fully booked (ada meeting datin-datin BN)..


We only got this Twin sharing bed..Queen bed fully booked..

Out for lunch...first thing in my mind was to have Laksa Sarawak..Tak berapa sedap la..

Mee Kolok for my hubby...yang ni sedap..macam rasa sup..

Then, shopping la..India Street, Kuching..Macam TAR street..

Taarraa..Kain Sarawak Pua Kumbu... Cantik sangat..

Nak balik Hotel jap..nak tidur..Panas sangat..
fuyooooo..... shopping, shopping, shopping... Takde benda lain ke yg lebih menarik?? hahahaha
Sepatutnyer Ain kena stay lama sikit. Gi Join cruise dia ke, gi Cultural Village ke, Damai Beach ke, Gunung Santubong ke...
shopping la best...hehe..sableh la tak plan..friday booked flight.saturday pi sunday balik..tak smpat nk jalan2 sgt..takpe mesti datang lagi sana since group dia kat sana tengah active nie.
hehehe, nnti gi survey ek..ble sy gi jejalan kat sane nnti :p
mesti seronok kan p sarawak...tambah plak dapat shopping ...1901 hotdog sungguh sedap..terus rasa lapar...mmmmmm..
suw-nak pi srwak honey moon ke?ok.ok..nati bgtau mana yg best kat sana.btw dialet srawak lebih mudah paham dr sabah..
shafa- thanks for visiting my blog..salam ukhuwah..saya dah lawat blog anda juga..nice blog..slalu la singgah yer..
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