what to do...your ummi have a lot of homework to do..huhuhu...
10hours-office time seems not enought for me...need to bring some work at home as well...
with all the quality management work, malaysia quality assurance frame work (MQA) report, my research project report, my postgraduate students to handle and thesis to check... and i think, my publication seems need to wait...no time to draft manuscript...huhuhu...lambat la naik pangkat nie...
i wish i have more than 24 hours a day....ok..back to work..off!!
Kita pun buat MQA gak. Susahlah MQA ni asyik tukar je format, tiap-tiap tahun tukar. ni kena siapkan document utk SEMUA program pulak tu. gilerrr..
Erm... kita ni sibuk jugak, tapi kekadang kita menyibuk jugak. Best.
Jom, di TLS gym!
Josh- tu ler..mcm2 dia nak..dh ler kena buat part A,B and C yg soklan lebih kurang je tp still kena buat seperately..pening tol..sama-samalah kita dpt PHD yek (permenant head damage)
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