Busy..busy jer ummi nie....banyak ker gaji ummi dapat..kenapa cikgu ummi bg byk homework?? (you always busy, have you got enought money for your salary, why your boss give you a lot of homework??) that's my daughter...nagging at me everytime when i said to her" main dgn adik kat sana, do not disturb me..need to finish my work"
what to do...your ummi have a lot of homework to do..huhuhu...
10hours-office time seems not enought for me...need to bring some work at home as well...
with all the quality management work, malaysia quality assurance frame work (MQA) report, my research project report, my postgraduate students to handle and thesis to check... and i think, my publication seems need to wait...no time to draft manuscript...huhuhu...lambat la naik pangkat nie...
i wish i have more than 24 hours a day....ok..back to work..off!!