Saturday, 27 December 2008

Ho ho ho Holiday...Scotland- Day 1

How to escape from headache of metabolomics data??...ermm..Let's go for holiday...Cuti-Cuti Malaysia...Opps!! Sorry..Cuti-Cuti UK..hehehe... That's sound nice!! Scotland...erm..My destination for Ho ho ho Holiday..We stayed 3 nite and 3 days at Cairn Hotel at Edinburgh...

One of the oldest Cathedral at Edinburgh...

Hotel of Balmoral near the city center... of the infamous shopping complex here...House of Frazer located in that building..

Behind me- Edinburgh Castle..

My hubby...He's really enjoying the holiday..maybe at last he could escape from work, i guess..

Scottish Parliament...Since that day was Xmas day, so all the attraction places in Edinburgh were closed.. Depan pintu je lah amik gambar kan..

View of Calton Hill at the back..Ramai yang naik atas nie sebab nak tengok view of Scotland.. But not for me la kan...hiihi..

Here is the gallery of Queen Elizabeth II.. Closed on Xmas day and Boxing day....

and Her official residence during her visit in Scotland..The former palace of Mary of Scotland before she was executed...

The history of the Palace of Holyroodhouse reaches back almost nine centuries. Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-67), returned to Scotland after the death of her husband Francis II, King of France.

Mary, Queen of Scots spent most of her turbulent life in the Palace - a dramatic and often tragic chapter in the history of the building. She married two of her husbands in the palace.

Her private secretary David Rizzio was murdered in her private apartments by a group led by her husband Lord Darnley, who many believe was jealous of Rizzio's influence over Mary.Under Mary's son James I of England and Scotland (1603-25), the Palace fell into decline. However, it was renovated when James returned to Edinburgh in 1617.

The entrance to the Queen's Gallery..

Jalan-jalan in Day 1 at Edinburgh...Wait for my update on visit to Glasgow on my Day 2 at Scotland...

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