Home Alone....Only me,myself and I..Far away from home and my family...And i got this small house just for myself..1 bedroom + living room and a kitchen.

Dining table and 2 in 1 washing machine plus drying machine.....my friends here really jealous with me.....

I like the kitchen....i have fully furnished kitchen..and bigger than the others...so menambahkan jealous diorang...hihihi....
And this small house cost me 400GBP/month...yang nie diorang tak jealous since rumah diorang lagi murah...iskh2..
Mewahnyerrr...... kita kat sini jeles gak. hahahah
wahhhh..mewahnye rumah anda
josh and Suw- sewanya pun mewah juga..kan..kan..kalu kat msia dh bole sewa banglo kt shah alam tu..kan??
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