Thursday, 30 October 2008

Home Alone

Home Alone....Only me,myself and I..Far away from home and my family...And i got this small house just for myself..1 bedroom + living room and a kitchen.

Dining table and 2 in 1 washing machine plus drying friends here really jealous with me.....

I like the kitchen....i have fully furnished kitchen..and bigger than the menambahkan jealous diorang...hihihi....
And this small house cost me 400GBP/month...yang nie diorang tak jealous since rumah diorang lagi murah...iskh2..

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Swimming Suit's Model???

Today, I just got the internet connection, at last...after more than 2 weeks without internet at home..macam sesat dalam jungle jer...hehehe...dah ler my entire family are in husband and I spent more than rm700 to get in touch thru phone...adoi...kering dibuat nyer...

However, this line is not really good enought..but better have than never...syukur alhamdulillah..since i missed my little sunshines so this entry are dedicated for them...

My little boy..with gaya Incredible Hulk...Versi Cekeding

Nie anak dara Ummi nie...sekarang boleh la dedah2 ye..lepas nie tak boleh dah tau..

My sunshines...OMG..really missed them..a lot..

Kat mana yer nie? Impiana KLCC... cantik kan nampak view KLCC...

Thursday, 9 October 2008


Today is the last day of BioMalaysia 2008 at KLCC. After 3 days back to back conference, i'm really exhausted. Furthermore, i'm the person incharge for my institution's booth for this year..thanks for the good jobs of my teams..

Tomorrow i'm on leave..and this saturday, I'll be away for three months for the seeks of knowledge.. Sheffield,UK here i come, again..

but this time i'll be there by myself, alone and far from home..OMG, i'll missed my home, my car, my office and most important things in my life- my family, my little kids...May Allah give me all the strenght that i need at this loomie and doomie moments in my life..

Will update my blog soon...