Saturday, 13 September 2008

New look

New look! having fun to create a new look to my blog's background..Something to do to fullfill my time...So bored actually...

Saja je nak beri nafas baru pada my blog nie..Sekali sekala tukar citarasa..tak ler boring sangat kan...lagipun actually hari nie hari boring nie la buat hilangkan boring...

So what do you think?? any comment?? and feel free to leave your comment here..many thanks

p/s; the fairy was my daughter idea and dolphin from my son..paksa ummi dia letak kat sini...

OMG, my kids shows their interest to the world of bloggers...hihihi..


Anonymous said...

Huhu..first bukak page ni, macam konpius, nape kak ain letak bola tengah2 text? Then bile tekan kat situ die bounce everywhere. I like, cute! Hehe..pasni bleyla visit slalu main bola tu


ainmuttaqin said...

miss j- hihihi..tu anak k.ain la..dia nak letak dolphin dia kat situ so bole dia main bila bukak blog nie...sila2 main2 buat ilang stress