Monday, 13 April 2009

Malacca:Workshop and a Visit

Another outdated entry...My research group at UPM invited me to attend this 3 days workshop of scientific writing. however, i only managed to join them after meeting at Terengganu on the friday.

We stayed at Shah's Beach Resort Melaka..nice place to stay..

Decoration of my chalet..roof made from "anyaman tikar mengkuang'..very traditional...

Decoration on the wall..

but modern style of bathroom...Lega..kalu traditional style of bathroom jawabnya toilet kat luar la kan..kan..
Day of activity...this was the take a break time..Yeah! after more than 2 days we focused on our laptop try to come out with the brilliant ideas on how to get our research work published, so we really need this before we end up as PHD (Permenant Head Damage)...

My ex..oppss! Ex-supervisor delivered his lecture on "How to be like your UMMI" to my kids...hihihi..

After the lecture they really having this...STRESS, TENSE and your UMMI..

Melaka, the historical city of Malaysia...Since this was my frist visit to Melaka after more than 10 years, so we decided to have a hop on and hop off tour...

Our hop on and hop off Beca...

Beca with flower beautiful..

A famosa...
St. Paul Church on the top of the Puteri Hill..

A Famosa the monument of history back in 1511.

"The Famous" in Portuguese, is a fortress located in Malacca, Malaysia. It is among the oldest surviving European architectural remains in Asia. Only a tiny gate (called the Porta de Santiago) is all that is left of a once-mighty fortress..

Armada ship of Malacca..

Memorial Kemerdekaan..

Last but not la...

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia: Perak Trip

Our family trip this year started with a visit to Perak...Actually this trip was not really in our plan. Well, as usual last minute plan...The truth is we actually were invited to attend a wedding of the son of my father's cousin in Parit, Perak. So after the kenduri we decided to spend a nite at Teluk Batik, Lumut.

It's a peak season of school holidays..We browsed a number of hotel and chalet around that area for a comfortable and affordable place to stay..Luckily, we found this nice apartment. Three bedrooms apartment at Marina Cove Resort at Teluk Batik, comfortable enough for 10 of us... With the price of RM350 (with 10% discount on government tax), this apartment, with a seaview from the master bedroom really superb..

Second bedroom with the view of rainforest...Fresh air....

Third room...

Wet Theme Park of Marina Cove Resort...Definetely we'll explored it...Wait for tomorrow..

In the late afternoon....As usual, my little sunshines having fun in the swimming pool of the resort.

At nite...Dinner in one of the seafood restaurant in Teluk Batik...Posing with snorkelling sea turtle..

Our dinner that nite...sambal udang, kerang bakar...

Ketam goreng berlada..

Kerabu sotong....
And hero of the day...Sweet sour grouper...tom yam and kangkung seafood (not in the photo) Urmph!! Yummy....Dinner was under my sister's treat... She only pay RM150 for the dinner that nite...Murah kan!!!Kenyang....

Next turn to having fun at the theme park..

Rendam sampai motto that day...

Before we left, photo taken in front of Marina Cove Resort...My big family...

On the way back home, we managed to visit Pasik Salak Historical Complex.Where the Perakian nationalisme begins..

Historical Gallery of Perak...

Pasir Salak Complex...
Perak, you always in my heart...Tanpa Raja Abdullah dan Dato' Maharajalela siapalah kita...Ingatlah perjuangan mereka mendaulatkan bangsa dan agama...Bangunlah dan sedarlah wahai bangsaku di Perak..Pertahankan warisan nenek moyang kita...Perjuangan belum berakhir...

Friday, 3 April 2009

Semesta class of '94...where it all begins.....

Entry yang dah basi nie...tapi still nak story jugak...coz nie memori terindah in my life...Semesta, where it all begins...1990 to 1994 aku di bumi SEMESTA, Raub..One of the famous boarding school in Pahang...
setelah 15 tahun berlalu, ini adalah reunion pertama yg aku dapat join...dan reunion terbesar setakat ini...

Permandangan dari bilik hotel...mengadap!!

Tepi bilik mengadap kolam pulak....

Jelitawan Semesta...lepas 15 tahun muka camtu la jugak..hihihi...

Sempat lagi suha n hakim tu...

Mandi swimming pool best tau, ummi!

Dah puas kat swimming pool, ke laut pulak...

Nie lepas dinner kot...depan resort....

Dinner BBQ...Jelitawan Semesta lagi..asik posing jek..Time nie jejakawan sibuk karaoke...sabor jelah...

Nie hari menguji sejauh mana kecerdasan kami selepas 15 thn...Lari pecut 100 meter...Beratur tunggu arahan la nie..

Taaraa..lari pecut apa nyer tu..atas sebab2 yg tidak perlu dinyatakan, acara pecut diganti dengan acara sukaneka jelah kan.. Boleh tahan...masih mantop!!!hihihi...Kalau lagi 15thn kena pikir acara lain la pulak kan...

Hakim and Suha mula la boring tu...Bila games budak2 pulak ummi...asik org besar jek..

Taaraa...nie game kegemaran...kutip gula2 dalam tepung....

Ni last day...posing lagi...

Ni budak kelas aku, 5 Sc 1...kapten sekolah (ketua pelajar) dalam kelas ni tau..tapi takat ni je yg datang...

Gambor ramai-ramai before balik...

Gambor lagi...tahan je la panas sbb bergambor punye pasal...
So next year buat lagi tau..thanks to AJK yang berhempas pulas menjayakannya...Memang BEST!!!